torstai 23. huhtikuuta 2009

Brittidiplomaatti toimittajan "grillattavana"

Muistanette miten EU:n prosionistiset diplomaatit näyttävästi marssivat ulos kesken Iranin presidentin, Mahmoud Ahmadinejadin puheen missä hän tuomitsi Israelin vuosikymmeniä kestäneen valtioterrorismin, rasismiksi arabeja kohtaan. BBC:n kriittinen toimittaja Jeremy Paxman sai yhden näistä ulosmarssijoista käsiinsä ja painosti miestä selittämään tekonsa, milloin se suunniteltiin, oliko tähän ulkoministeriön lupa jne. Toimittaja kysyy myös itseltään tekivätkö diplomaatit juuri niin kuin Ahmadinejad salaa saattoi toivoa...

The Truthseeker toteaa: An excerpt of an interview where the "diplomatic" mechanisms are exposed for their dire emptiness whenever it comes to "Israel".

Ote haastattelusta:

Jeremy Paxman: What is the difference between Zionism and racism?

Peter Gooderham: Well we see the two as being quite distinct…

Jeremy Paxman: Yeah what’s the difference?

Peter Gooderham: Well Zionism is a political movement related to the establishment of a homeland…

Jeremy Paxman [quietly]: So are some forms of racism.

Päivitys: Norjalaiset asianajajat ovat haastamassa Israelin johtohenkilöt kansainväliseen oikeuteen Gazan sodan 1500 siviiliuhrista. (lähde)

According to Agence France Presse, Norwegian lawyers have accused the Israeli leaders of war crimes for the Gaza offensive. According to the Norwegian criminal code, the courts can open proceedings that include serious violations of human rights. The lawyers have said that they will charge Tzipi Livni (prime minister at the time) and Ehud Barak (defense minister at the time), asking for their extradition and arrest.

4 kommenttia:

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Mikä tossa Israelissa niin mättää Lars? Kaikki blogisi lukijat tietätvät että Rotschild on juutalainen, mutta tekeekö se kaikista juutalaisista jotka koskaan ovat halunneet oman maan nykyisen Israelin alueelta jotenkin ikäviä ihmisiä?

Ihan oikeasti, olisiko maailma ilman juutalaisia niin kovin paljon erilainen, ainakaan positiivisessa mielessä? En suoraan sanoen tajua tätä yhtäältä Ron Paulin kannatusta ja samanaikaista natsien piilofanitusta "vaihtoehtoisen" historiantutkimuksen hehkutuksen muodossa.

Itse kykenen riemulla tuohon Ron Paulin tukemiseen ja hyvinkin hiljattain Israelissa ja Jordaniassa käytyäni pidän myös edelleen Israelin valtion olemassaloa hyväksyttävänä asiana.

Juttelin paikallisten kanssa molemmissa em. maissa ja kukaan ei kiihkoillut suuntaan tai toiseen. Vesikysymykset ja pakolaisasiat (suht pinnalla siellä) eivät saaneet tapaamiani tavallisia jordanialaisiakaan lämpenemään vaikka hiukan jopa odotin sitä.

Israelissa taksikuski tosin kertoi surullisena mielipiteenään että Euroopan suuret maat on menetetty jo Islamille ja oli kovasti utelias tietämään miten asiat Suomessa ovat kehittymässä. Kerroin että kehitys kulkee samoja latuja, mutta että maamme vähäinen väkimäärä ja nykyinen talouskriisi voivat herättää ihmiset tajuamaan vaaran ennenkuin on myöhäistä.

En nyt viitsi naputella enempää, kun ei susta tiedä päästätkö kommenttia edes läpi. Joskus olisi vaan kiva kuulla oma ehdotuksesi mitä juutalaisten Israelissa pitäisi tehdä raketti-iskuille ym. asioille? Peruttaa hiljaa Välimereen ja hukkua pois pilaamasta sinun, Hamasin&Hizbollahin ja Ahmadinejadin päiviä?

Lars Osterman kirjoitti...


Ensinnäkin - jos "rohkenet" kritisoida, moittia ja viisastella - kirjoita omalla nimelläsi, niin kuin minä teen. Minulla ei ole mitään salattavaa - onko sinulla.

Mitä tuohon vuodatukseesi tulee niin enpä taida sitä sen kummemmin kommentoida koska siitä hehkuu tietämättömyyttä ja välinpitämättömyyttä.

Jos olisit viitsinyt ottaa vähänkin selvää asioista ja tosiasioista et laskisi tuollaisia sammakoita suustasi.

Mutta - saitpahan puheenvuoron. Ensi kerralla saat sen vain paljastamalla oikean nimesi.

Lars Osterman kirjoitti...

Koska sinä samainen anonyymi jatkat kommentoimista (vaikken ole hyväksynyt ne tänne) niin heitänpä tästä eteesi jotain luettavaa. Osaat varmaan englantia kun kerran matkustelet Lähi-Idässä.


Lainaus Davic Duken eilisestä puheesta tjeckiläisille Charles Universityssä, Prahassa. Duke ehdittää jo pidättää pari päivää aiemmin - ja sitten laskea vapaaksi uudelleen koska pidättämiseen ei ollut mitään muita syitä kuin perusteeton valheellinen ilmianto. Tässä osa puheesta:

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am very fearful that the Jewish extremists will lead Obama into a war with Iran which will be catastrophic for America, Iran, Europe, Czech Republic and the whole world.

It is time for me to speak about a vital subject and think the subject that forms the very core of the reason why such powerful forces want to quiet my voice.

I have dared to tell the real truth, the whole truth about Israel, and if you do that in a world that represents enormous power of Jewish extremists in world finance, in media and in government, you will be gang attacked like a lamb in a lake of piranhas.

I will speak to you with the same kind of abandon of Jan Hus, come what may. Israel is a racial-supremacist, terrorist state by any objective standard.

It is important I make clear that I am not talking about all Jews here, I am talking about Jewish, Zionist extremists. I agree there is a danger from Islamic extremism, there is perhaps even danger from Christian extremism, but we must not close our eyes to the dangers of Jewish extremism. It is not anti-Semitic to criticize Jewish extremists and the Zionist State of Israel. In fact, many Jews are far more vocal than I on the subject. Take for instance, Gilad Atzmon, Israel Shamir, and Dr. Norman Finklestein, or Noam Chomsky. I really believe that Jewish extremists pose a threat for Gentiles and Jews alike.

While government leaders were denouncing my visit, at the same time, they were planning a supportive visit to Israel. Ironically, I am condemned as racist, but they have state dinners give complements to the mass murderers who just a few short months ago murdered or wounded thousands of innocent Palestinian men women and children in Gaza.

They had your own Czech representatives walk out of a speech by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the anti-racist conference for simply telling the truth about Israel.

Is Israel a Racist State? What are the facts?

1. Israel is an apartheid state. Israel has separate schools for Jews and non-Jews, separate apartment buildings, even whole towns and settlements reserved only for Jews. Many Jewish settlements are built on the very land stolen from Palestinians, and those same settlements will not allow Palestinians to live and often, not even allow them to walk on its streets.

2. In Israel, a Jew and a non-Jew cannot legally marry. A marriage in Israel between a Jew and non-Jew is not legally recognized. Even more telling is the Israeli government policy on the Kohanim, the historical Jewish elite who constitute Cohens, Kohns, and other similarly named descendants of the Jewish priest class. In Israel this Jewish elite is not allowed to marry a practicing orthodox Jew who has even a drop of non-Jewish blood, even to 1000 generations back. Hitler’s elite the SS, required six generations of purity, the Jewish State is even more stringent.

Now my friends, could you imagine if the Czech state legally forbid the marriage of Christians to Jews? Could you imagine the outrage all over the world? Yet, Israel has these policies and no one dares to expose them. They would want to haul your Prime Minister to The Hague for a Human Rights trial. But, European leaders routinely ignore these things because they know who really has influence in their media and financial matters.

Not only do I not promote what is defined as racism, I do what the modern day Church of Politics is so afraid to do, I expose the most racist, supremacist state on earth. Not only does it have racist policies, this Mideast, terrorist state has tortured and murdered, tens of thousands of Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians and other Mideast people, stolen their lands and oppressed their people.

You may or may not agree with what I just said. The church leaders may not have agreed with Jan Hus, but at least you are willing to hear my reasons, to treat me as a human being.

The press and some government officials have branded me a Holocaust denier, but in fact I don’t deny that terrible historical crimes against Jews have occurred and I forcefully condemn all violence and repression against Jews or any other people.

I also recognize that there have been many holocausts that are ignored such as the biggest holocaust of all time, the murder of more than 50 million people under the doctrine of communism. Many of your brethren here in the Czech Republic were victims of those terrible communist murders and repressions.

Look at the popular media today. Your fathers and grandfathers and tens of millions of others who suffered under brutal communism don’t seem to deserve even one heartfelt major film by a Zionist-dominated Hollywood, whereas this year (as every year) there are a multitude of films about the Jewish Holocaust, an event that has gone far beyond simply history and into the realm of theology. It has assumed the position of practically a State Religion. As Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said, even in many religious countries one is free to deny the existence of God, but he must not disturb even one hair of the Holocaust.

For the record, I am not a “Holocaust Denier.” I do not, I repeat, I do not say that there was no Holocaust, for we all know that there were terrible atrocities during against Jews in the Second World War, we are surely reminded of such almost every day of our lives. But, I do say that that any historical event should and must be allowed to be examined without fear, for the complete truth and details of any historical event can only come from free inquiry, the right to question, and the right to debate every issue.

What I have pointed out concerning the Holocaust is that a number of academics, learned and intelligent men have differing opinions on a wide range of issues within it. There are men who are not haters, who condemn any sort of violence against the innocent, and who condemn the evils done against Jews (and all other people) during the Second World War.

The fact that some of these freethinkers are right now sitting for years in dank prisons is an outrage against the most basic of human rights, freedom of speech, thought and conscience. How in the world can Europeans condemn some tin pot dictator for locking people up for their speech in Zimbabwe, or protest the repressions of political dissent in China and dozens of other countries while we have men and women in Europe in jail for thought crimes, simply for having what most people think are wrong opinions!

Freedom is freedom. Once you deny the right to hold any opinion, you are no longer free.

I also believe in the right of all people to preserve their heritage, their rights, their independence and their freedom, and I believe that the increasing power of the EU, The International matrix of Financial, Government and Media Power, and Globalism is a threat to your heritage here in the Czech republic and to my people as well in the United States. You have been told that I am a racist and anti-Semite. In a real sense, I am the opposite of those things.

I think every people, race, and nationality has the right to preserve itself, it’s unique identity and culture, its values and faiths. This is true for the native tribes of the Amazon, the Tibetans, the Bushmen of South Africa, and for the Palestinian people and of course for the Jewish people. I defend the continued existence and heritage of my group and all groups, and their human rights. My problem is that I don’t stop at defending the heritage and freedom of Tibetans, Bushmen or Jews, I also include the Czech people and the European and American peoples, the heritage and freedoms of my own people.

We have a right to live, too.

Tibet today is a popular cause. Read your newspapers. Tibetans face an existential crisis for their heritage, faith and freedom because of massive Chinese immigration and control. Of course, this is also true for the people of Europe who will find themselves a racial minority in our own homelands by the end of the century unless Europe stops the massive immigration, non-European immigration that will complete remake our nations into lands unrecognizable to our ancestors and far different than we would want for our children.

Imagine that our children become a minority in Europe and as a minority we are ruled over by non-European majority, with a view of life and culture and values that would dramatically affect our own freedoms and destroy the quality of our children’s lives.

It is not racism to want for our own people here in Czech or anywhere in Europe to want what every anti-racist wants for Tibet or for the nations of the Third World who morally resist colonization.

How can it be wrong for me to say that we in the Czech Republic don’t want to be colonized by the Globalists of a New World Order who will trample our rights as surely as bulldozer would a flower?

It is important that I also tell you that I admire the fact that the Czech people have resisted the hegemony of the EU by opposing the new constitution. Bravo. Economic and social cooperation and friendship between European nations yes, but loss of your freedom to a huge, soulless bureaucracy, no!

Counter to the way I am characterized by the lies that have been broadcast against me, I am the farthest thing from a totalitarian you could imagine. My record as a member of the House of Representatives in the State of Louisiana, USA shows that I repeatedly voted for more human rights, civil rights, individual and local rightsand less government power.

The truth is that some bureaucrat in Brussels cannot truly know your needs in the neighborhood where you live and really has no right to dictate to you how you must live. The greatness of the Greek democracy is that it was close to the people, it was small enough to listen to the people and for the people to be heard. Big government and God Forbid, a Globalist World Government can only be equated with tyranny.

Finally, I want to make clear my position on European resistance to Globalism, massive immigration, the EU and the destruction of European heritage and freedom.

In addition to my lecture here at the university, I have been invited to address a couple of meetings of Czech patriots. Here is what I tell them and what I tell you as well.

I defend human rights and I condemn any kind of human violence, intimidation, repression, or hatred.

The answer to these questions is political action and non-violent resistance. Those of you who agree with many of the words of this speech, please don’t misunderstand me. I condemn any sort of violence as immoral.

Furthermore, to those of you agree with the principles I have expressed here, let me be clear that any sort of hateful speech, rhetoric, or violence is completely counterproductive to legitimate efforts to preserve our Czech and European heritage, rights and freedoms. If you do foolish or hateful or violent things you will only serve the enemies of our heritage. If you have any respect for me and my principles I beg you to be decent, law-abiding, people. Anyone who acts violently and illegally I consider them an enemy of the Czech and European people.

I hope that my words will lessen tensions and problems in your wonderful country. We want our rights to be preserved. We want change, but we also want peace.

The way to act is with decent and kind rhetoric and the formation of political parties and political figures who will stand up honestly for your principles in government and in society. In two major elections in I received over 60 percent of the European American vote in the State of Louisiana, an area which is similar in size to the Czech Republic and has about the same population. If I received that kind of vote so can your patriotic parties. In fact many European states have large nationalist parties standing up for our heritage.

As you can see by my words today, they are quite different than I have been painted by the media.

Lars Osterman kirjoitti...


EU poll: Israel 'biggest threat' to world peace
U.S. beats out 'axis of evil' in causing global instability
Posted: October 31, 2003
7:00 pm Eastern

© 2009

Over half of Europeans think Israel poses the "biggest threat to world peace," according to a controversial poll commissioned by the European Commission.
The same survey has the United States beating out Iran, Iraq and North Korea – the trio dubbed the "axis of evil" by President George W. Bush – as well as Afghanistan in a ranking of what countries contribute most to world instability. reports the survey, conducted between Oct. 8 and 16 by Taylor Nelson Sofres/EOS Gallup of Europe, consisted of 15 questions regarding "the reconstruction of Iraq, the conflict in the Middle East and World peace."

According to the website, the poll sparked controversy – not over its results, but over the release of its results. Namely, the European Commission was accused of suppressing the results revealing the extent of mistrust of Israel and the U.S. while the Bush administration was stumping for Iraq reconstruction assistance at the international donors conference in Madrid last week.

More than 77 countries participated in the conference that raised $33 billion in grants and loans, including $20 billion pledged by the U.S. and $812 million pledged from the European Union. Most of the funds will go into a trust to be managed by the World Bank, the United Nations and a committee of Iraqis.

The poll found 59 percent of Europeans believe Israel represents the biggest obstacle to Mideast and world peace. A Commission spokesperson denied the decision to not publish some of the results until next Monday was politically motivated, explaining that the results withheld were still "unstable