maanantai 17. joulukuuta 2007

Ennätyspäivä !

Eilinen - 16. joulukuuta 2007 jäänee historiaan - ennätyspäivänä jonka aikana Ron Paul sai kasaan arviolta liki 7 miljoonaa dollaria. (Päivitys: 6.4 miljoonaa)Tämä raha on tarpeen herättämään ne äänestäjät jotka eivät vielä ole sattuneet kuulemaan Ron Paul´in sanomaa.

Suomalainen Lasse Pitkäniemi raportoi New Hampshirestä 16.12 näin: "Ron Paul pärjää hyvin täällä. Mainoskylttien perusteella RP johtaa kisaa, Romney kakkosena. Ron Paul´illa eniten tv-mainoksia tällä erää, Giuliani kakkosena. RP saattaa hyvinkin päätyä voittamaan NH:n esivaalit." (oma käännös)

Ron Paul is doing great in New Hampshire! Based on signs on the ground Ron Paul is the leader in here, followed by Romney. Ron Paul also has the most TV adds, followed by Giuliani. He may as well go on and win the important New Hampshire primary!

USA Daily:

"Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul is raking in the cash today as grassroots supporters across the country are holding a ‘Tea Party’ to commemorate the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party and to protest the Federal Reserve’s ‘Inflation Tax’ and federal income taxes. The goal of the online fund raising event is to get 100,000 people to $100 each and raise 10 million.

Ron Paul is currently on pace to raise close to seven million for the day and may even raise more money if the rate of donations increases this afternoon. The numbers are staggering since Paul, unlike Huckabee, Romney, Giuliani, McCain, or Fred Thompson hasn’t been subsidized by extensive free media coverage on Television."


"Presidential candidate Ron Paul is on course to smash the record for fundraising in one day and is likely to make anything up to $7 million dollars by midnight as donors flood the campaign coffers on Tea Party day.

The Congressman is set to make at least $6 million today, which would eclipse John Kerry's $5.7 million in one day record."

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