Artikkeli nostaa esille mahdollisuuden, jonka mukaan viimeaikainen hurja nousu raakaöljyn ja maataloustuotteiden hinnoissa johtuu suurten pelaajien spekulaatioista. Suurille liikepankeille on annettu vapaat kädet paikata asuntoluotoissa kärsittyjä menetyksiään raaka-ainefutuurien ym. avulla. Öljyn hintaan on muodostunut suuri kupla, joka ennemmin tai myöhemmin puhkeaa.
lauantai 31. toukokuuta 2008
Suuri Öljyhuijaus
torstai 29. toukokuuta 2008
Onko Fulfordin sanoissa perää..
Vaikea ottaa kantaa. Mutta toki mielenkiintoista... (huomaa päivitykset alla)
Tässä toinen mielenkiintoinen video jonka lopussa samanlaisia väitteitä.
Päivitys: tässä linkki Jeff Rensen Fulford-arkistoon
Tässä Fulfordin pitempi haastattelu (Jussin vihje) Project Camelotin sivuilta.
Tässä HAARP- linkki Exopolitics sivuille.
Päivitys 2 :
Russian Foreign Ministry reports are stating today the Prime Minister Putin’s ‘sudden’ diplomatic trip to France was made at the behest of China’s President Hu in order to ‘warn’ the European Union not to become involved with the US following what is widely expected to be a ‘retaliatory strike’ against the United States, and who the Chinese military has blamed for the catastrophic May 12th earthquake that has killed nearly 90,000 human beings.
tiistai 27. toukokuuta 2008
Vallan Vahtikoira
Helsingin Sanomien johtama mediakontrolli Suomessa
"Euroopasta saa kauan hakea maata, jossa tiedonvälitys on yhtä monopolisoitunut kuin Suomessa. Käytännössä Suomessa on vain yksi aidosti valtakunnallinen lehti – Helsingin Sanomat. Useimmat suomalaiset kuitenkin elävät hyvässä uskossa, että kotimainen tiedonvälitys on maailman mittakaavassa poikkeuksellisen puolueetonta, korruptoitumatonta, asiantuntevaa ja sensuurista vapaata. Tätä mantraanhan puolueellinen, korruptoitunut ja sensuroitu media vuodesta toiseen meille toistaa. Ja kun vastaväittäjiä monopolien maassa ei ole, on helppo tähän uskoon tuudittautua, ellei sitten omaa riittävää älyä ja sen lisäksi puhtia, jotta näkisi vaivaa ottaa itse asioista selvää."
(lue loputkin)
Voimallinen sana - EI !
Mielenkiintoinen sivusto missä osoitetaan miten voimallista on kieltäytyä jostain - tai kieltäytyä hyväksymästä jotain mitä meille yritetään tyrkyttää.
Sivuston alussa on myös kirje joka on osoitettu maailman"valtaeliitille". Ei mitenkään kansalaisten valitsemalle sellaiselle vaan tämä valtaeliitti on itse itseään nostanut valtaan. Kirje on hienosti muotoiltu joten laitan sen tähän liitteeksi:
Open letter to the ruling elite.
This is an open letter to our ruling elite and its shills. For centuries now you have brought death and misery upon us. If we don’t stop you now, you will kill or enslave all of mankind. Having power over other humans brings along responsibility for their well-being. You and your ancestors had plenty of opportunity to make this world a better place. Instead you supremacist, self-chosen, parasitic psychopaths chose to treat us like cattle.
- You have murdered hundreds of millions of us in wars for your selfish financial and political gains.
- You have starved to death hundreds of millions of us because of your hate and greed.
- You have killed millions of us with your false flag terrorism.
- You burned us by the hundreds of thousands with phosphor and atomic bombs.
- You have stolen our water, land, towns and livelihoods.
- You have enslaved us with your taxes, interest, rents, your inflated home and energy prices.
- You have destroyed our families and marriages with your promotion of feminism, promiscuity, homosexuality, single parenthood, divorce, third-date-sex and cohabitation.
- You have poisoned our children with your drugs and perversions.
- You have destroyed our health with your pollution, poisoned food, pharmaceuticals and depleted uranium.
- You have sedated us with your fluoridated water, professional sport, sex, music and television.
- You have filled our heads with your perpetual lies and deceptions on just about anything we know.
And just when you think it can’t get any worse you embodiment of Satan embark on introducing a one world global dictatorship. You are making preparations to microchip, cull and enslave us like cattle. You genetically modify our staples such as rice and wheat, to make them resistant to the diseases you are about to spread so that you can control the production and availability of food.
You have forfeited the right to exist.
You are not just sickingly greedy, you are hell-bent to spread evil and destroy the world.
This is not just an open letter, it is a declaration of war. We, the people that you treat as if God created us as your slaves, curse you. May you and your families, your ancestors and descendants burn in eternal hell. May your flesh rot on your body, may everything you touch burn like red hot steel. May the children in your wombs die and everything you own turn into dust. You are scum, a pest in human shape and a disgrace to mankind.
Anthony Sutton saa puheenvuoron
Tony Gosling: Videokooste Bilderbergistä
Meet Tony Gosling.. Journalist, researcher and the man behind the website
He gives a quick rundown on the history of the secret meeting that happens once a year behind a curtain of security agencies and press blackouts.
Could the Bilderberg group really be the secret rulers of the world?
maanantai 26. toukokuuta 2008
Jeff Rense haastattelee Ellen Brownia
Ja Ellen Brown selittää mitä on tapahtumassa pankkimaailmassa..jos englanti ei ole ongelma suosittelen että kuuntelet.
Avainsanat: Bear Sterns, JP Morgan, Federal Reserve, Derivatives, FDIC, SEC, private banking, taking over banks, no money in the money supply, pennies, nickles, created non-money, 97,5% + created as loans, money that never will exist, interest, only the principle, pay more back, no way top get that extra money, ponzi scheme, everyone is in debt, giant spider, web of debt..
Lisää: Jim Tucker ja Bilderbergkokous
torstai 22. toukokuuta 2008
Todellinen McCain. Ja media vaikenee.
Bilderberg-kokous 5-8 kesäkuuta, Chantilly, Va USA

Jim Tucker vahvistaa saaneensa lopullisen kokouspaikan - Hotelli Westfields Marriott joka on kaupungissa nimeltä Chantilly, Virginian osavaltiossa USA:ssa.
Näin myös voidaan todeta että viimeviikkoinen "tietovuoto" Kreikasta oli tosiaankin harhautusta.
Prisonplanet kirjoittaa asiasta näin.
Veteran Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker has confirmed via three separate sources that the Bilderberg Group will meet this year in Chantilly Virginia at the Westfields Marriott hotel from June 5-8. Tucker told The Alex Jones Show that the earlier story claiming Bilderberg had already met in Athens Greece was a possible ruse to misdirect attention from the real scene of the crime.
The Bilderberg Group comprises around 200 top elitists in government, banking, business, media and academia who meet annually in semi-secrecy and shape the destiny of the world yet are subject to little or no mainstream media scrutiny.
As we discovered last week, original reports that Bilderberg had already met in Athens Greece turned out to be incorrect after Dutch newspapers and the Dutch Embassy let slip that Netherlands Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende was set to attend Bilderberg in Chantilly after a meeting with George W. Bush.
The Bilderberg gathering is now set to take place from June 5-8 and as expected, it will be held at the Westfields Marriott hotel, the same venue of the 2002 meeting. Tucker called the Dutch Embassy and was passed over to the Dutch Embassy in the United States, who confirmed that the meeting would be in Chantilly.
tiistai 20. toukokuuta 2008
National Geographic, nr 1 tammikuu 1993 sivut 83-86
Minusta on naurettavaa että kouluja yhdistetään, kuntia pakkoliitetään ja kaikkien tulee säästää ja säästää vaikka raha on vain poliittinen valtaväline jonka määrästä jokaisen valtion tulisi voida itse määrätä. Tässä artikkeli. Huomioikaa että se on vuodesta 1993 eli 15 vuotta vanha. Monet luvut ovat muuttuneet pahempaan suuntaan. Suomessa kolikkojen ja seteleiden osuus rahakannasta on alle 2%. Kyseinen suhdeluku on USA:ssa luokkaa 5% tänään vaikka artikkelissa sanotaan 8%.
Out of Thin Air?
According to some, banks only loan out depositors’ money. But, in fact, they create what they loan out, based on a system known as ‘fractional reserve banking’. This is explained quite succinctly in the following excerpt from the January 1993 edition of National Geographic Magazine, entitled, The Power of Money by Peter T. White, Assistant Editor. (Pages 83-86)
Bills and coins make up about 8 percent of the U.S. money supply — the rest is in bank accounts, including checkbook money; at this writing the sum total is 3.5 trillion dollars, says the Fed — the Federal Reserve System, which is the central bank of the government of the United States — and that is three billion more than a month ago. This is how that happens. Every business day, after a telephone conference call at 11:15 a.m., the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, acting on directives from the Federal Open Market Committee at Fed headquarters in Washington, buys U.S. government securities from major banks and brokerage houses, or sells some — usually U.S. Treasury bills, which in effect are government promissory notes.
Say today the Fed buys a hundred million dollars in Treasury bills from those big securities dealers, who keep a stock of them to trade with the public. When the Fed pays the dealers, a hundred million dollars will thereby be added to the country’s money supply, because the dealers will be credited that amount by their banks, which now have that much more on deposit. But where did the Fed get that hundred million dollars ? “We created it,” a Fed official tells me. He means that anytime the central bank writes a check, so to speak, it creates money. “It’s money that didn’t exist before,” he says. Is there any limit on that ? “No limit. Only the good judgement and the conscience of the responsible Federal Reserve people.” And where did they get this vast authority? “It was delegated to them in the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, based on the Constitution, Article I, Section 8. ‘Congress shall have the power .. to coin money, regulate the value thereof ...’
Now watch how that Fed-created money lets our commercial banking system create even more. The Fed requires banks to put aside a portion of their depositors’ funds as reserves. Say this reserve ratio is set at 10 percent — then for every $1,000 in new deposits, a bank must keep at least $100 in reserves but can loan out the rest, namely $900. On the bank’s books this loan remains as an asset, earning interest until it is paid off. The customer who got the loan is likely to spend it right away, say for a used car. The car dealer deposits the $900 check in his bank, which then has an additional $900 in reserves and can in turn loan out 90 percent of that — $810. And so on and on, until the original $1,000 put into one bank may enable dozens of banks to issue a total of $9,000 in new loans.
Thus a hundred million dollars injected by the Fed into the commercial banking system could theoretically stimulate the appearance of 900 million dollars in new checkbook money — money that didn’t exist before. And it’s all built on the assumption that the system is sound.
By Peter T. White — National Geographic
Voit samalla katsoa tätäkin. Ja tätä.
sunnuntai 18. toukokuuta 2008
lauantai 17. toukokuuta 2008
Hbl 17.5 sivu 11
Bilderbergkokous sittenkin 5-8 kesäkuuta Washingtonissa ?
Tämän Prison planet artikkelin mukaan kokous on vasta kolmen viikon päästä USAssa.
Dutch Newspaper: Bilderberg To Meet In Washington June 5-8
Apparent meeting in Athens last weekend was a ruse as suspected.
A Dutch newspaper is reporting that Holland's Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende (pictured) and Minister of Foreign Affairs Maxime Verhagen are set to attend the annual Bilderberg conference in Washington DC from June 5-8, apparently confirming that a recent alleged Bilderberg meeting in Athens Greece was merely a ruse.
As we reported on Tuesday, a Greek newspaper claimed that Bilderberg had met in Athens last weekend, but Bilderberg sleuths Jim Tucker and Daniel Estulin, both of whom have always successfully determined the location of the Bilderberg meeting in advance for decades, questioned the accuracy of the report.
Bilderberg occasionally attempts to throw investigative journalists off the scent by having a mock steering meeting in advance of the actual meeting, diverting attention away from the location where their undemocratic scheming will take place.
perjantai 16. toukokuuta 2008
Tuore Ed Griffin haastattelu
G. Edward Griffin guest on Carl Wilson show

Topic, Federal Reserve system, money, and how the people are being lied to mp3
KAJO Radio
torstai 15. toukokuuta 2008
Edward Griffin website:
The Mandrake Mechanism. Mr. Griffin explains how money is created out of nothing by the Fed. (29 min. video)The banking cartel called the Federal Reserve System
Is it a conspiracy? (7 min. audio)
The JFK Myth
Was he assassinated because he opposed the Fed?
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man: One of the most valuable and dangerous books of our time
Debt cancellation programs.
Mr. Griffin explains how they work and addresses the question of if they are ethical. (17 min. video)
Debt-Cancellation Programs
The practical and ethical issues
Debt Forgiveness from the IMF/World Bank
Humanitarian or totalitarian?
Do very high-yield bank investments exist?
If so, are they a good thing?
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Speech on Bank Holiday (Audio).
Meet Bill Still. Griffin answers a fiat-money advocate.
Meet Edward Flaherty
Griffin answers a critic of The Creature from Jekyll Island.
Money As Debt
An instructional video that gets a flunking grade.
The National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act and other myths from Dove and the White Knights
Why do you support the American Liberty Dollar when there is such a large difference between its price and the underlying silver? An analysis by G. Edward Griffin.
keskiviikko 14. toukokuuta 2008
Bilderberg-kokous 2008 pidetty ?

Confirmed. Vouliagmeni, Greece, May 8-11, Bilderberg 2008
This year was the most difficult ever to discover where and when Bilderberg is met. Intelligence gathered indicated the 2008 conference would take place in Greece on one of the first two weekends in May. We failed to positively identify the date and location before this year's 'private' meeting of the Nazi-founded (Prince Bernhard) handful of people who control most of the money in the world.
Bilderberg Club meets at the place of the powerful in Athens
In Greece (in a Vouliagmeni hotel), is currently happening, according to information, the world Congress of secret Club "Bilderberg", which is brought proapofasj'zej for the chances of world, but also this is where Prime Ministers are nominated. It should be stressed, that according to the infamy that circulates round the club Bilderberg, they play for some reason, the role of an 'informal world government'.
Some say indeed, that anything important that has happened in the planet the last 51 years, has first been discussed and organised in her meetings.
The Club, meets for four days each year in different cities, countries and 120 politicians, businessmen, journalists only from the 30 until 35 selected NATO countries participate.
Participants are prohibited to speak to the press or to anyone else and anything they learn there they are not allowed to mention where they heard it. Further, they even go as far as to deny that they were there.
It is prohibited for them to tell their home Parliaments of their countries, if they are politicians, too.
Big Greek interests are there in the list of persons that participates in the meetings of the club in question. According to information, in the meetings of club "Bilderberg" from 1988 up to 2007 have participated Kostas Karamanli's, Giorgos Alogoskoy'fis, the Nto'ra Mpakogja'nni, the Ste'fanos Ma'nos, Giorgos Papandre'oy, Theodoros Pa'gkalos and Anna Djamantopoy'loy.
The only Greek journalist that has taken part in the meetings of club, is Alexis Papahela's. In the meetings at the same time, they appear to participate the General Director of Coca - Cola, Giorgos Dayj'd and the professor of university Athens Loukas Tsoykala's and two shipowners.
Babel Fish Translation
Päivitys: However, veteran Bilderberg investigator Jim Tucker has suggested this report may be a ruse to deflect attention away from the group who could actually be meeting this coming weekend.
(eli mahdollisesti y.m. uutinen onkin peitetarina - ja varsinainen kokous pidetääkin
vasta tulevana viikonloppuna, sanoo Jim Tucker... ?)
Fox News: Ron Paul Revolt
Mielenkiintoinen video. Syyskuun puoluekokouksesta voi tulla yllätyksellinen.
Ron Paul ei ole luovuttanut.
Bob Barr recently cited Paul's success as having helped inspire his own candidacy, pointing to "what Ron Paul has tapped into in terms of reaching an awful lot of young people in particular and illustrating very clearly that in this day and age it is possible to reach a lot of young people through the Internet."
Democratic political consultant and commentator Bob Beckel then joined into the Fox discussion, saying of Paul, "I think he ought to get a prime time speech at the convention. This is the only guy that has a bobble doll made for him that his head doesn't move."
"They're nuts," Beckel said of Paul's supporters, hastening to add, "I don't mean nuts in a bad way. They're nuts about their guy."
"I think they ought to do it, Mike," Beckel concluded, laughing. "I think it would be great for you guys to have Ron Paul at your convention."
"It'll show some diversity at the convention," Gallagher acknowledged.
"That's the kind of diversity you need, brother," Beckel affirmed.
This video is from Fox's Fox & Friends, broadcast May 13, 2008.
Prosperity, UK: Kysymyksiä rahakannasta
Prosperity toteaa että nykyiseen rahapolitiikkaan liittyy ratkaisevia demokraattisia puutteita.
Artikkelin kirjoittaja on Alistair McConnachie.
-Rahaa saa vain ja ainoastaan allekirjoittamalla velkakirjan. Miksi ihmeessä kansalaisten pitää velkaantua jotta yhteishyödyllisiä vaihtovälineitä olisi riittävästi kierrossa ?
-Miksi ihmeessä julkinen hallinto - ainoa jolla perustuslaillinen oikeus luoda rahaa, on delegoinut tämän yhteiskunnallisen vallankäytön kaikkein tärkeimmän osa-alueen pankkijärjestelmälle ?
-Mitä seuraamuksia tästä y.m. on demokratialle, kansanvallalle - kun yhteiskunta on vaihtovälineiden suhteen täysin riippuvainen pankkijärjestelmälle jota se nykyisellään ei voi ohjata?
-Miksi poliitikot ja ammattiekonomistit eivät näe sitä selvää kytkyä mitä sosiaalisten ongelmien, kasvavan velka-asteen ja koko nykyisen rahanluomisjärjestelmän välillä on?
The nature by which our money - our means of exchange - comes into society, raises fundamental political issues.
These are not just obscure economic questions. They go to the very heart of what we understand as "democracy".
For example:
- Money is only available by going into debt. Why should we go into debt merely to create our medium of exchange?
- Why should a government - the one institution with the constitutional authority to create money - delegate this responsibility and power to the banking system?
- What does it mean for democracy - rule by the people, for the people, allegedly - when we are reliant upon the banking system for virtually all of our medium of exchange?
- Why do the politicians, professional economists and academics see no connection between the social problems associated with spiralling debt and the way money is created?
Money Reform Party, UK: Ratkaisu on yksinkertainen

Poliittiset päättäjät eivät joko tajua tilannetta ja vaihtoehtoisesti tajuavat sen mutta eivät uskalla puhua tästä epäkohdasta. Rahalla on myös valtaa vaatia että rahavallalle arkaluontoisista kysymyksistä vaietaan. On myös mahdollista että poliittiset päättäjät ihan itse katsovat että tätä rahan muurahaispesää on parempi olla sohimatta jos aikoo edetä poliittisella urallaan. Itse veikkaisin että tietämättömyys on suurin ongelma. Vai uskooko lukijat että Veikko Vennamo olisi vaiennut tästä jos olisi tämän tajunnut ?
Brittiläinen Money Reform Party haluaa korjata mielettömän hullun nykytilanteen siten että julkisesti omistettu organisaatio kuten esim Bank of England olisi jatkossa vastuussa koko rahakannan luomisesta ja sen hallinnoimisesta. Money Reform Party suosittelee että julkinen hallinto kuluttaisi tätä uutta korotonta rahaa kansantalouteen julkisen hallinnon normaaleissa menoissa sen sijaan että vaihtovälineet (kansalaisten lainaama velkaantumiseen perustuva raha) kierrätetään verotuksella julkishallinnolle. Tästä koko yhteiskunta hyötyisi ja taloudellinen toimeliaisuus kasvaisi.
A simple, sensible solution
The crazy money situation we currenlty find ourselves in could be very easily remedied if a publicly-owned body, such as (in England) the Bank of England , was responsible for creating ALL of Britain’s money supply, and if this money was spent into circulation as part of the government’s normal spending pattern. This would save us all a sizeable sum in taxes, which itself would increase the money available to buy the things we need without going heavily into debt as individuals, and the economy would have a debt-free money supply that would enable the real wealth creators to function without constraint. This solution would not lead to spiralling inflation (as many would have us believe), but is a viable solution to our debt-burdened world.
perjantai 9. toukokuuta 2008
Murder by Injection
keskiviikko 7. toukokuuta 2008
Trilateral Commission paheksuu Ron Paul´ia

Erityisen kiinnostavaa on se mitä Tucker kirjoittaa sanotun Ron Paulista. Ron Paul on ilmeisen iso piikki eliitin lihassa - hienoa !
While they are confident they can deal with any “potential president,” the Trilateralists paid huge tribute to Ron Paul in an equally large twist of irony, by expressing alarm that he is causing “significant future damage.” They expressed concern that Paul’s rallies have attracted multitudes of young people who are getting “their political education.” They want Republicans to pressure Paul to drop out now and stop his education rallies. This assignment was given to Thomas Foley, former U.S. House speaker.
The reasons Paul’s “education campaign” strikes fear into Trilateral hearts are obvious. Paul would refuse to surrender an ounce of U.S. sovereignty to an international organization and TC wants world government.
Paul would immediately bring U.S. troops home from Iraq, Afghanistan and from 130 UN “peacekeeping” missions around the globe. TC wants to enjoy war profiteering and global power. Paul would abolish the federal income tax while the TC wants to pile on a global tax payable to the UN.
The formal agenda was loaded with everything Paul and American patriots detest: higher taxes, more foreign giveaways, more immigration, both legal and illegal, into the United States and “engaging Iran,” among others."
Eli Ron Paul Revolution on saanut ihmisiä herätettyä siinä määrin että eliitin suunnitelmat maailmanhallinnoksi saattavat mennä metsään. Hyvä hyvä.
Andrew Winkler: Rakas tyttäreni

Rakas tyttäreni,
Täytät 18 vuotta tänään, ja olet varmaan jo tähän mennessä tajunnut ettei ihan kaikki se mitä sinulle on kerrottu asioista olekaan totta. Eli tieto minkä olet saanut vanhempiesi, opettajiesi, median ja maan hallintokoneiston kautta ei sittenkään pidää paikkansa.
Itse asiassa melkein kaikki mitä tiedät maailmastamme, politiikasta ja yhteiskunnasta on siis todenäköisimmin epätotuuksia, osatotuuksia ja suoranaisia valheita.
Mutta niin maailmamme on täynnä huijauksia. Demokratia, huumeiden kieltolait, sota terrorismia vastaan, feminismi, sosiaalinen hyvinvointi, globalisaatio, ihmislähtöinen ilmaston lämpeneminen - nämä ovat kaikki esimerkkejä huijauksista.
Lue lisää englanniksi.
sunnuntai 4. toukokuuta 2008
Uutta teknologiaa: "It runs on water" ..etc
On Sunday, 17 December 1995, viewers in U.K. saw an hour-long T V. program which, at long last, puts across the clear message that "free energy" is on the way. In the opening stages Arthur C. Clarke explained how there were four stages in the way scientists react to the development of anything of a revolutionary nature. "Free energy" was now working its way through these four stages of reaction, which were: a: "It's nonsense," b: "It is not important," c: "I always said it was a good idea," and d: "I thought of it first." The scene moved to Rome, Georgia where Jim Griggs of Hydrodynamics, Inc. demonstrated the assembly and operation of a "hydrosonic water pump" which operated over-unity by producing hot water or steam with energy in excess of the electrical energy input to the pump motor. "Over-unity" was confirmed by satisfied customers, including the Albany Fire Station, where engineers from the "local university" and the "local power company" had been called in to verify the over-100% efficiency.«
"The Compressed Air Vehicles’s revolutionary compressed air engine is expected to achieve a fuel economy of a remarkable 106 miles per gallon. When the energy used to heat compressed air entering the engine is accounted for, and average driving speeds factored, the average economy is expected to be 106 gasoline-equivalent mpg"
“I want to stress that these are estimates, and that we’ll know soon more precisely from our engineers,” ZPM spokesman Kevin Haydon told PM, “but a vehicle with one tank of air and, say, 8 gal. of either conventional petrol, ethanol or biofuel could hit between 800 and 1000 miles.”
lauantai 3. toukokuuta 2008
Kuluttajahintojen kehitys 2000-2008 USA:ssa Bushin kauden aikana
~ | 2008 | 2000 | % Change |
Gasoline (per gallon) | $3.28 | $1.36 | 141% |
Natural gas (per ccf) | $1.30 | $0.71 | 83% |
Electricity (per kwh) | $.116 | $.084 | 38% |
Milk (per gallon) | $3.87 | $2.78 | 39% |
Bread (per lb) | $1.28 | $0.91 | 41% |
Eggs (per dozen) | $2.18 | $0.98 | 122% |
Orange Juice (per gal.) | $2.54 | $1.82 | 40% |
Ground Beef (per lb.) | $2.33 | $1.48 | 57% |
~ | 2008 | 2000 | Change |
National Debt | $9.4 trillion | $5.5 trillion | 71% |
Annual Budget surplus/(deficit) | ($400) billion | $150 billion | ($550) billion |
Median S&P 500 CEO pay | $8 million | $6 million | 33% |
Median household income | $49,000 | $42,000 | 17% |
Consumer Price Index (per BLS) | 211.1 | 168.8 | 25% |
Consumer credit | $2.52 trillion | $1.54 trillion | 64% |
Median Home value | $168,000 | $120,000 | 40% |
Euro vs. Dollar | $1.57 | $0.85 | –87% |
perjantai 2. toukokuuta 2008
The Superclass
Each one of them is one in a million. They number six thousand on a planet of six billion. They run our governments, our largest corporations, the powerhouses of international finance, the media, world religions, and, from the shadows, the world’s most dangerous criminal and terrorist organizations. They are the global superclass, and they are shaping the history of our time," states the promo for the book.