maanantai 11. elokuuta 2008

Suomen uutisointi Georgian sodasta selvästi puolueellista

Olet varmaan huomannut miten aamulehdet kertovat nyyhkytarinoita siitä mitä "ilkeät venäläishaukat yhtäkkiä ovat tehneet georgialaiskyyhkysille"..kaikki kuvat ja tarinat esittävät Venäjää hyökkäävänä osapuolena. Tämä ei todellakaan ole totta. Mikä sitten on...? Totuus on se että USA, Nato, Israel ja EU ovat aktiivisia osapuolia..

Suosittelen että luet näitä juttuja jotta saisit oikeamman käsityksen konfliktin syistä ja siitä kuka oikeasti riehuu ja miksi.

Päivitys 2. (tosi hyvä juttu)

This weekend, both the United States and Georgia shot themselves in their respective feet when the unstable Georgian President, a kept whore of the CIA and the Bush administration, decided to make war on his neighbor. Ever a humanitarian, he opened fire on purely civilian areas and inflicted terrible casualties. The Russians, who we know now had been tipped off about this piratical venture, responded at once with great force, driving out the invaders and then charging ahead into Georgia itself. Terrified American military and CIA personnel fled the country and terrified wails from the Georgians for Bush to come and help his friends went unheard.

Päivitys 1:

"Clearly playing the role of the aggressor, the NATO puppet regime of Mikhail Saakashvili has carried out a midnight sneak attack against Russian peacekeepers in the province of South Ossetia. Those peacekeepers have been there for 15 years under an agreement with Georgia. Saakashvili is a protégé and creature of Zbigniew Brzezinski, the foreign policy boss of the Barack Obama presidential campaign. As is explained in my book Obama- The Postmodern Coup: The Making of a Manchurian Candidate, Saakashvili was brought to power in 2003-2004 by a people power coup or CIA color revolution, directed by the Brzezinski clan and financed by George Soros, one of Obama's key financial backers. In a very real sense, it is the Obama campaign which has attacked Russia in South Ossetia."

The fighting which broke out over the weekend between Russia and Georgia has brought Israel's intensive involvement in the region into the limelight. This involvement includes the sale of advanced weapons to Georgia and the training of the Georgian army's infantry forces.

US aircraft have started to fly some of Georgia’s 2,000 troops in Iraq back home to join the fight in the breakaway province of South Ossetia, General David Petraeus, the top US commander in Iraq said today.

De flesta europeiska länder var, enligt rapporter från välunderrättade källor, väl medvetna om Georgiens planer på att attackera Sydossetien, vilket öppnade dörren till det nya krig som nu utvecklar sig på Rysslands södra flank. Trots att Irland besegrade Lissabonfördraget har ideologerna för Storbritanniens planer på ett "EU-imperium" aktivt arbetat för att just denna konflikt ska blossa upp, som en hörnsten i de brittiska försöken att förvandla Europa till en enda stor militärbas för en konfrontation med Ryssland.

5 kommenttia:

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Itse olin alusta alkaen sitä mieltä että venäläiset ovat nyt hyvällä asialla, toivon vain että eivät lähde Goria pidemmälle Georgiaan, silloin se saa jo miehityksen merkit sitä minä en enää tue.

Lars Osterman kirjoitti...

Olisiko sittenkin hyvä kuvitella tilanne ikään kuin näin: Yhdysvaltain liittovaltion on hajoamassa ja Warsovan liitto nyt olisi liittämässä Floridaa mukaan rintamaansa länttä vastaan. Ja sitten jokunen Flordidan pohjoisia maakuntia olisi äänestänyt siten että 95% väestöstä ei halua Warsovan liittoon vaan edelleen kuulua Yhdysvaltoihin.
Kuubalaisia sotilaita kouluttaa Floridan vastarintaa ja Florida ostaa Neuvostoliittolaisia aseita käyttääkseen ne USA:ta vastaan.

Florida on hyökännyt pohjoisiin maakuntiin ja tappanut Yhdysvaltalaisia sotilaita. Yhdysvallat lähettää joukkoja Floridan pohjoisiin maakuntiin ja osaksi myös Floridaan...

Tilanne on nyt melko samanlainen Venäjän kannalta.

Voiko siis moittia Venäjää siitä että se valvoo omia etujaan kun vihollisleiri värvää sen entisia neuvostotasavaltoja Natoon yksi toisensä jälkeen - valheellisin lupauksin petollisin tarkoitusperin.

Tässä tuorein uutinen:

U.S. Military Instructors Command Hirelings in Georgia
Kommersant – August 12, 2008

Thousands of mercenaries are fighting for Georgia in this burning conflict with South Ossetia. They are commanded by the U.S. military instructors, RIA Novosti reported with reference to a high-ranked officer of Russia’s military intelligence.

“From 2,500 to 3,000 mercenaries fight against Russia’s peacekeepers on behalf of Georgia,” the unnamed source said. Amid them are the natives of Ukraine, some Baltic states and the Caucasus regions.

The U.S. military instructors directly command and coordinate actions of mercenaries without being involved in actual fighting, the source specified. According to intelligence data, there are roughly 1,000 military instructors of the United States in Georgia.

Task force of Russia has annihilated a few groups of mercenaries. Some of mercenaries have been captured, and investigators are working with them, the source said.

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

RU uutisoi :
CNN accused of using misleading war footage
American broadcaster CNN has been accused of using misleading footage in their coverage of the conflict in South Ossetia. A Russian cameraman says footage of wrecked tanks and ruined buildings, which was purported to be the town of Gori, was in fact the South Ossetian capital Tskhinvali.

Gori was said to be about to fall under the control of the Russian army but the cameraman says the video was actually shot in Tskhinvali, which had been flattened by Georgian shelling.

Aleksandr Zhukov, from the Russiya Al-Yaum channel, said: “When we arrived and news came that Gori was being shelled, I saw my footage. I said: that’s not Gori! That’s Tskhinvali. Having crawled through the length and breadth of Tskhinvali, I don’t need much to tell from which point this or that footage was recorded. I can swear in front of any tribunal. I can point at this location on the map of the town, because I and the cameraman of the Rossiya channel videotaped that.”

Onko missään hiukan "neutraaliimpaa" lähdettä mistä saisi selville hiukan tietoa näistä kaupungeista jotka Venäjä on vallannut? En oikein luota Georgian presidentin lausuntoihin...

Lars Osterman kirjoitti...

Näitä kannattaa tarkistaa aina välillä. Ne päivitetään jatkuvasti.

Lars Osterman kirjoitti...

Voice of the White House August 11, 2008
TBR – August 11, 2008

“This weekend, both the United States and Georgia shot themselves in their respective feet when the unstable Georgian President, a kept whore of the CIA and the Bush administration, decided to make war on his neighbor. Ever a humanitarian, he opened fire on purely civilian areas and inflicted terrible casualties. The Russians, who we know now had been tipped off about this piratical venture, responded at once with great force, driving out the invaders and then charging ahead into Georgia itself. Terrified American military and CIA personnel fled the country and terrified wails from the Georgians for Bush to come and help his friends went unheard.

The state of Georgia has been kissing up to the United States after our CIA paid for their departure from the Russian Republic. Like Israel , Georgia felt it had a powerful protector and could defy their old enemies with impunity. The US armed the Georgian army, their capitol was filled with CIA agents and so they decided, in essence, to attack Putin. Putin knew in advance about this, just as Bush knew in advance about the 9/11 attacks, and built up the Russian response forces on his side of the border.

And waited.

And, secure in their false knowledge that there were American troops in Georgia which would, they felt, prevent a Russian response, they invaded their neighbor. The Russians responded and pushed out of the reconquered territory and into Georgia itself, with the bedraggled Georgian army in full and pathetic retreat.

The Georgian leadership fled into the mountains after declaring war on Russia and the Russians then bombed the oil lines and the oil processing plants at the Black Sea port of Poti .

It is interesting to note, and our press has not, that these facilities are owned by the UAE who are howling to Bush to protect their immense investment.

What can Bush do for them? The same thing he can do for Israel: Nothing.

The Georgians struck first, giving Putin the moral right to defend and strike back (The Georgians were stupid enough to blow up a barracks with Russian soldiers inside) so it will be hard for Congoleeza to make a good moral case against Vladimir . Besides, morals and ethics are excellent norms but in global politics, not effective techniques. The pathetic pipings of the useless UN will have about as much effect on Putin as will Bush's mouthings. I see all of this as very, very interesting, given the personalities involved.

More for background on the recent Georgian/Russian flare-up see the Harry Brunser Report.

See our Inside the White House archive:

A Complete Copy of the Voice of the White House from TBR News April 18, 2004- December 29, 2005