keskiviikko 27. elokuuta 2008

Paul Craig Roberts: Georgian kriisi (osa 2)

Päivitys 28.8 -08 Paul Craig Roberts haastattelussa

Tässä artikkelissaan - War With Russia Is On The agenda - Yhdysvaltain entinen 80-luvun vara-valtionvarainmisteri Paul Craig Roberts rohkeasti sanoo aivan samaa mitä minä totesin edellisessä blogitekstissäni: Saakasvili, USA, Nato ja Israel edustavat kriisin "pahiksia" ja ovat syyllisyneet sotarikoksiin. Venäjä kerrankin "hyvisten" puolella. Todisteita on riittämiin. Suomen rääväsuisilla poliitikoilla syyta itsetarkasteluun.

"The failure of the American media is again evident in the coverage of the Georgian-Russian conflict. The US media presented the conflict as a Russian invasion of Georgia, whereas in actual fact the American and Israeli trained and equipped Georgian military launched a sneak attack to kill and to drive the Russian population out of South Ossetia, a separatist province."

"Russian peacekeepers, together with Georgian ones, had been stationed in South Ossetia since the early 1990s. On orders from Mikheil Saakashvili, the American puppet “president” of Georgia, the Georgian peacekeepers turned their weapons on the unsuspecting Russian peacekeepers and murdered them."

"This action by Saakashvili, elected with money from the neoconservative National Endowment for Democracy, an election-rigging tool of US hegemony, was a war crime. In truth, the Russians should have hung Saakashvili, as he is far more guilty than was Saddam Hussein. But it is Russia, not Saakashvili, that the US media has demonized."

"Americans have become perfect subjects for George Orwell’s Big Brother. They sit stupidly in front of the TV news or the New York Times or Washington Post and absorb the lies fed to them. What is wrong with Americans? Why do they put up with it? Are Americans the nation of sheep that Judge Andrew P. Napolitano says they are? Americans flaunt “freedom and democracy” and live under a Ministry of Propaganda."

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