sunnuntai 31. elokuuta 2008

Pat Buchanan kysyy saiko Saakasvili vihreän valon hyökkäykseen USA:lta ?

Yhdysvaltain arvostettu poliitikko Pat Buchanan antaa tuoreessa haastattelussaan varsin tasapainoisen näkemyksen Georgian konfliktista.

Brian Harring kirjoittaa artikkelissaan israelilaisten paljolti vaietusta osallisuudesta samaiseen konfliktiin:

Georgia became a huge source of income, and military advantage, for the Israeli government and Israeli arms dealers.. Israel began selling arms to Georgia about seven years ago, following an initiative by Georgian citizens who immigrated to Israel and became weapons hustlers.

They contacted Israeli defense industry officials and arms dealers and told them that Georgia had relatively large budgets, mostly American grants, and could be interested in purchasing Israeli weapons.

Samaan syssyyn liitän tuoreimmat Voice of th White House kommentin missä väitetään että Georgian sekasorron yhteydessä joiden tarkoitus oli hyökätä myös Iraniin. Nämä väitteet on minusta mahdotonta tarkistaa tai vaihvistaa - mutta kaikki lie mahdollista. Onhan moni odottanut että tulemme näkemään hyökkäyksen Iraniin ennen kuin toinen ja viimeinen bushkausi vihdoin on ohi.

The Voice of the White House

Washington, D.C. August 29, 2008: “Much wailing and rending of garments over at the Israeli Embassy over the Georgian debacle recently. It was planned that their airforce people would attack Iran during the confusion caused by the artillery bombardment in South Ossetia but the swift and totally unanticipated Russian response took everyone by surprise. Putin’s people captured all kinds of highly sensitive documents and the Bush people are terrified about what might turn up. Israel is furious and at more than loss of equipment and documents. They had been pushing the feeble-minded McCain into putting the detestable Joe Lieberman onto the ticked at VP because it is obvious that McCain would never finish his first term and Israel would have one of her strongest supporters in the Oval Office. McCain had promised a US attack on Iran but this is not to be, given the disaster in Georgia so the garments are rent and the ashes cast while the Israelis look for someone else to pull their chestnuts out of a fire of their own making.”

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