Money & Life documentary trailer from StormCloud Media on Vimeo.
Ajatuksia ja tietoa vaihtoehtoisesta politiikasta. On aika paljastaa rahamaailman kohtuuttomat epäkohdat jotka mahdollistavat ihmisten ja kokonaisten valtioiden riistämisen velalla ja korolla. Pohdiskelen tällä blogilla sitä miten toteuttaisin talousdemokratiaa käytännössä. Esim perustulojärjestelmä ja täysin velaton valtiovalta ovat mahdollisia saavuttaa talousdemokratian politiikalla. Kirjoitan omissa nimissäni en Suomen Talousdemokratian nimissä. Itse asiassa en enää edes toimi yhdistyksessä.
Money & Life documentary trailer from StormCloud Media on Vimeo.
PS. Unohdin ottaa paikallisvaluutat tähän mukaan. Paikalliset ja ns täydentävät valuutat kuuluvat myös talousdemokratian ratkaisuihin.
Paikallisvaluutan etu on siinä että raha pysyy alueella missä sitä tarvitaan. Täydentävä valuutta taas mahdollistaa kaikenlaista hyödykevaihtoa mikä muuten ei tapahtuisi. Esim LETS, Time dollar, Japanin vanhusten hoivatuntipankki josta Bernard Lietaer puhuu.
How does fractional reserve banking work? When you put £100 in the bank a strange thing happens. The bank holds on to a ‘fraction’ of your deposit (say 1/10th) and lends the remainder out, charging interest upon it. This £90 loan is described as an ‘asset’ by the bank – it has created it, as if by magic. It charges interest upon the loan and it must be repaid by the debtor with the interest or they will commit a criminal offence. The debtor pays the £90 in to another bank who can then loan out £81, again at interest. The process goes on and on and eventually through this ‘money multiplier’ process, £987 of completely new debt-money is created.
This capacity of banks to create money on the basis of maintaining very small fractions of deposits is one of the most important elements of modern capitalism. Indeed the great German economist Joseph Schumpeter believed it to be the distinguishing feature of capitalism from all previous economic systems. It certainly helps us to explain the astonishing pace of growth we have seen in the Western world (where this system is most developed) over the past 200 years.
It has become clear, however, that our economies cannot keep on growing at the exponential rate we have seen over the past two centuries. Even if we weren’t facing disastrous climate change, there simply isn’t enough cheap oil to maintain such levels. As economist Herman Daly puts it, fractional reserve banking is not growth neutral, but a ‘growth pusher’:
“…For all those loans to be paid back with interest the borrower must make the money grow by a rate at least as high as the rate of interest… The result is that economic growth is required just to keep the money supply from shrinking as old loans are repaid.” (Daly, H., 1999: 133).
Daly’s quote also points to the inherent instability of our financial system. If virtually all the money in circulation is created as debt by banks then money is effectively, credit (or debt). The problem is that if debtors default on their debt (as with the sub-prime crisis), or, indeed, all suddenly choose to pay off their debts and stop borrowing, suddenly the magical ‘multiplier’ goes in to reverse. This is exactly what is happening now across the western world following the recession. People are tightening their belts, concerned about their jobs. They’ve stopped borrowing, whether it be for holidays, cars or, most importantly in the UK, homes. As a result, the money supply is shrinking.
Talousdemokratia saatava valtamedian käsittelyyn!Esimerkki 2. Nettoveronmaksaja / Uusi Suomi
Nämä kaksi saivat vauhtia tästä aikaisemmasta kirjoituksesta:
Pankkijärjestelmän uudelleensuunnittelu - Ponzi-järjestelmästä talousdemokratian kautta vastuulliseen rahajärjestelmään.
Ihmisten elämäntyö kuluu suurelta osin lainan korkoihin ja veroihin. Verot ovat pitkälti valtion ja muun julkisen vallan velkaantumisesta johtuvia turhia menoja. Julkinen valta puolestaan velkaantuu, koska joutuu lainaamaan kaiken käyttörahansa korollisesti liikepankeista. Velkaantumiskierre on tuhoamassa kaikki velkarahajärjestelmällä toimivat maat, myös Suomen.
Ihmisten on täysin mahdollista elää paljon vähemmällä palkkatyöllä. Elämän mielekkyys lienee muualla kuin velkaorjuudessa, varsinkin nyt, kun pankkienvelka-ansat ja kriisit ovat ahmaisemassa kokonaisten kansojen omaisuuden?Talousdemokratian mallin mukainen rahauudistus mahdollistaa myös kansalaispalkan tai perustulon, mikä tulee koko ajan ajankohtaisemmaksi koneiden tehdessä yhä suuremman osan työstä, ja täystyöllisyyden lipuessa näin päivä päivältä etäämmälle. Suomen Talousdemokratia pyrkii puolueeksi eduskuntavaaleihin keväällä 2011.
Tue meitä palauttamalla tämä kannattajakortti osoitteeseen: Suomen Talousdemokratia ry c/o Österman, Emäsalontie 285, 06950 EMÄSALO
Minulle on tullut kymmeniä sähköposteja ihmisiltä, jotka ovat halunneet
antaa positiivista palautetta. Myös yksi meili, jossa lähettäjä ilmoitti minun olevan vääräsää rahan luomisessa.
Tosin korjasi itse itseään parin päivän päästä kun oli tutustunut asiaan hieman
Social Credit policy is to release mankind from bondage and restriction of a defective and dishonest system of financial accountancy which prevents human society from evolving freely in accordance with the hopes and aspirations of men and women constrained only by the actual physical and psychological limitations which may present actual, rather
than artificial and unnecessary financial restraints on human activity.
Social Credit policy is to remove the restraints of financial legerdemain so that society can evolve naturally. (-) Douglas said that we want to release mankind from financial domination so that each individual can prepare his own personal "Utopia"
The truth is that modern Economics has been designed to completely hide the monetary system that hovers above the economy. It assumes money is just a medium of exchange floating through the economy to facilitate a free market and generate wealth. At times that has been true, but today it’s probably the biggest lie of modern history. The current system does not generate wealth and freedom for most people. It generates debt and servitude. And it is not a free market. Today’s money flows from a top-down imperial power system expanding globally. It creates a master-servant relationship because all money comes from privately held debt.
Come on. Rise above it. You are obligated to fix this immediately:Kuten huomaat Suomen Talousdemokratia ry:n ratkaisumallit ovat pitkälti Vrabelin toivomusten mukaisin: rahajärjestelmään liittyvästä velasta on mahdollista päästä ja yhteiskunnallisen vallan hallinnassa oleva rahajärjestelmä ei ime elämää ja sosiaalista energiaa yhteiskunnasta pois. Pankkiluoton malli taas luo velkaa ja on mitä suurimmissa määrin kohtalokasta loistoimintaa joka on omiaan siirtämään vaurautta kansalta pankkien suuromistajille. (=miten uskot Björn Wahlroosin keränneen omaisuuttaan?)1) Develop an interim solution in concert with the old time-tested bondage/jubilee, growth/rest cycles which gave the people, communities, land a breath of fresh air in the midst of empire growth. (if you’re writing that off as religious romanticism, ask yourself what top athlete doesn’t live by training/rest cycles…over-training results in deterioration, not progress)
2) Then develop and advocate a humane money system that facilitates the rebuilding of real community as opposed to one based on debt servitude that parasitically sucks the life OUT of communities. Mike Maloney was recently invited to speak at the 8th International Banking Forum in Sochi, Russia. The purpose of the conference was for bankers from around the world to meet and discuss the current state of the global economy, the banking system, and strategies for protecting their personal wealth (hence the speaking spot for Mike).
The first morning passed without too much fuss as each speaker gave an introduction and a brief talk on his or her area of expertise. However, by the end of the became obvious that something was definitely wrong. After speaking with many of the attendees, Mike was alarmed to find that practically none of the international bankers understood our present monetary system. Most had no idea how currency is created! Here at, we've often wondered exactly how well modern day bankers understand the worldwide predicament that we find ourselves in. Ladies and gentlemen, our worst fears have been confirmed - the lights are on, but there's nobody home.
Mike's presentation on personal protection of wealth changed overnight, into one of basic education on our monetary system. How can anybody take the role of wealth protection (or running an economy!) seriously unless they can see the massive storm that lies ahead?
Whether you are a banker or a baker, a lawyer or a bricklayer...the time to get educated is NOW. We hope you enjoy Mike's frantic effort to awaken the conference from its slumber. It would have been nice for Mike to finish his speech, but perhaps there was a little too much reality on the stage for these Masters Of The Matrix, the Demigods Of Delusion.