keskiviikko 29. elokuuta 2007

Kanada 1995: Pankit "lainasivat" 70 kertaa enempi kuin mitä pääomaa oli

Alain Piloten artikkelin mukaan pankit toimivat aivan toisin kuin mitä kansalaiset luulevat. Pankit tuottavat joka lainan myötä uutta luottorahaa joka kasvattaa tileillä kierrossa olevaa rahamäärää ja josta tulee osa talousalueemme rahahuollosta.

Ote artikkelista: " Over the recent years, the use of cheques or bookkeeping money has increased significantly, and the bankers can thus create a larger percentage of bookkeeping money. For instance, for the third quarter of 1995, the Canadian chartered banks held $3.1 billion in cash, and lent, for the same period, $216 billion (non-mortgage loans) - seventy times the amount of cash they actually held!

Until a few years ago, according to the Canadian Bank Act, the minimum reserve required in cash was 4%, but in December, 1991, the Federal Government enacted a new version of the Bank Act, which stated that as of January, 1994, the primary reserve in the form of cash that a chartered bank has to maintain is nil, zero!"

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